These side effects can be both physical and mental and can impact an individual's overall well-being. Managing anger in healthy ways and seeking support when necessary can help reduce the negative impact of anger on one's health.

Here are 20 side effects of anger on health:

  1. Increased risk of heart disease
  2. High blood pressure
  3. Weakened immune system
  4. Digestive issues, such as stomach ulcers or acid reflux
  5. Headaches or migraines
  6. Chronic pain, such as back or neck pain
  7. Insomnia or difficulty sleeping
  8. Fatigue or exhaustion
  9. Increased risk of stroke
  10. Skin problems, such as acne or eczema
  11. Compromised respiratory system
  12. Muscle tension or pain
  13. Increased risk of substance abuse or addiction
  14. Poor eating habits or overeating
  15. Difficulty concentrating or memory problems
  16. Increased risk of accidents or injuries
  17. Decreased sex drive or sexual dysfunction
  18. Social isolation or relationship problems
  19. Depression or anxiety
  20. Decreased lifespan or premature death.